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  1. paulN1

    My new vzr n1 version 2

    I,d say u will regret if ya sold the V2 Paul after the amount of work u,ve put into it since ya bought it.sure can ya not stop doin bits to it for a while,get a house sorted with a shed and put it into it, buy an oul diesel run around for goin to work and back, i bought a house there just over a...
  2. paulN1

    My new vzr n1 version 2

    "n15... Ya if i'm up round your way paul i'll be sure to give you a bell would be nice to get photos of them together." ye sounds like a plan, would be nice to get john,s v2 for a few pics too, organise a pulsar meet for down ur way :)
  3. paulN1

    My new vzr n1 version 2

    well paul, glad to c it up and goin for ya, fair play to ya. may organise a meet sometime soon, want to get at look at this in the flesh :)
  4. paulN1

    Hi from Ireland

    welcome along
  5. paulN1

    Gav VZR's Pulsar V-ZR

    welcome well Gav hows a goin, nice lookin Pulsar, i probly said it to ya on Midnightclub, welcome anyway, :)
  6. paulN1


    well well thanks lad, ur N16 was lookin savage until some fecker made shit of it, are u on bebo?
  7. paulN1


    well well, ok thanks, a bit too big for wat i need was lookin more for 15 or even 16", thanks anyway, good luck on gettin it all sorted lad :)
  8. paulN1


    well well, hows a goin, was a nice car, it takes a stupid c**t to take it away from ya, was goin to ask ya, are u seelin the wheels, if u are wat size rims and how much?
  9. paulN1

    Pics from Irish AOC Meet 16th March

    Meet well hows a goin, was a good day, nice to meet new faces and hopefully will c ye at the next meet and would like to thanks Sarah for organisin it, More Pics On
  10. paulN1

    Irish V2 vzR N1

    Well hows all, i know this N1, its in my town, He did Feck all to this car, thats the way it came in from Japan with the seats and rear lights but i was told it was very slow for a N1
  11. paulN1

    Hi from Ireland

    well hows a goin, i,m Paul, i,m from Ireland and i Drive a Pulsar Vzr N1 series1, hope to chat to ye later :)
  12. paulN1

    my pulsar vzr

    well well nice lookin Vzr, wat part of ireland ya from? :)
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