LOL you impatient lot! i`ve been away for a few days to recover!
First off i went to Greg @ PROTUNER. He`s a cool guy, and obviously very knowledgeable with sr20s.
He did a compression test which resulted in 210 psi across the board, so i`m now throwing my own compression tester in the bin which told me it was 150psi !
The base run with no mapping gave 185hp
40 odd runs later the best peak was 196.5hp / approx 165whp / 162 lbs torque.
I`ve obviously lost some low down power, but 5k+ is insane. He did one run with the limiter set to 8200rpm and it was still holding its power. We settled for a safer 8000rpm limit in the end.
Take a look at this graph. For some reason the true rpm wasn`t being read, as this was the 8200rpm run.
Greg and i were both impressed with the power ouput and the way it was holding it.
I would have liked a bigger catback before the tuning but i`m still happy..........driving the beast is insane! The extra in gear speeds with the higher limiter is nice to have.
Previous in gear speeds: 31.8mph 54.3mph 82.5mph 108.8mph 140.3mph
New ones: 34.9mph 59.5mph 90.4mph 119.2mph 153.8mph